Wawa and Michipicoten Firts Nation

Wawa & Michipicoten First Nation
SEPT 2020
In the Fall of 2019, Jamii visited Wawa and invited locals to create visual portraits of fellow neighbours, friends or family member. Altogether, 21 beautiful portraits were created. Following the creation of this series of portraits, Jamii came back to Wawa in September 2020 to exhibit this collection of portraits, along with portraits created in Toronto, Wolfe Island and Pikangikum.
Along with this unique exhibit, Jamii invited local artists to bring a selection of these portraits to life through music, dance, storytelling, and drumming; A whirlwind of stories and a unique way to share and celebrate each other stories.
ARTISTS: Damian Binda, Isabella Imperatori, Joanne Poisson, Sheila Rodger, Brian Lachine, Mirinda Patterson and Samatha Stewart. Host: Nadine Kwissiwa. Tech: Marty Rodger. Ambassador: Darren Marshall.
In partnership with the Municipality of Wawa and Wawa Colab and supported by Ontario Arts Council and Canada Council for the Arts.
Photos: Kylie Marie (Inspired Moments Photography)
Wawa & MIchipicoten First Nation
NOV 9-18 2019
It has been quite an amazing week in Wawa & Michipicoten First Nation. We have created 22 portraits of people from the community made by fellow community members, and in the creative process, more than 50 people were involved.Â
On November 16th, about 60 people joined us at the LakeView Hotel to celebrate this success. (see photos below by Kristen Sabourin).
It is humbling to witness people coming through and opening up to each other, especially when they haven't previously met. To say the least, this has been an amazing and moving journey.We are grateful for the support of many partners who greatly contributed in bringing this project to life:Â
Wawa EarlyON Child & Family Centre
Michipicoten High School
A special thank you to all those who participated in this project, included but not limited to:
Marilyn Perkovich-Farand, Pauline Dawson, Robin Marshall Davidson, Thelma Joyce Smitham, Carol, Matt Larrett, Chief Patricia Tangie, Lucille Vachon-Case, River Lise Berry, Brian Outinen, Doris Jacques, Jacob Larrett, Melina DeSaulnier, Elma Spooner, Hamza Khan, Kayley East, and Isabella Impératori.
Last but not least, thank you to amazing artists Kara Spencer and Dan Bergeron; our community ambassador Darren Marshall, Jamii's President Georgia Reynolds, and the amazing amazing Robin Marshall Davidson.Â
Isorine Marc and the Jamii team are grateful. Thank you Wawa, Ontario.
Michipicoten First Nation & Wawa
Sept 21st to 25th 2018
1st VISIT​
2018 JOURNAL (Oct 1st 2018):
Our visit to Michipicoten First Nation and Wawa was yet another soul-enriching journey.Â
On our way to the two communities, we visited the Twilight Resort, Chippewa Falls, Old Women Bay. We then discovered Mr Vallee Park and Anderson Lake, Hawk Junction, Michipicoten High School, Lions Park, Superior Childcare Centre, the local North of 17 and Embassy restaurants (both meeting places in the community), the Lady Dunn Health Centre, Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre, Michipicoten First Nation Community Centre, Sandy Beach and much more. We were blessed to meet Brian Outinen who shared with us his knowledge of pictographs and local legends. Isabeau Allard from the township of Wawa shared with us some insight on the township efforts to bring people together through the new strategic plans. Nancy Auclair told us about Indigenous youth and the importance of finding one’s sense of identity. Nathalie Scully gave us a tour of her camp and told us about Hawk Junction history that was once thriving with the passenger trains, which no longer runs thus reinforcing isolation. Carolle Beaulieu-Pitre showed us her community project of organic farming at the Flying Geese Farm. We also met as a larger group composed of Paula Valois, Amanda Gautier, Brian Lachine, George Brousseau, Jessie Labonte, Maury O’Neil, and Beverly Boyd to discuss how each local organizations are contributing to the overall health of both communities and are linked together, what makes us proud of both Michipicoten First Nation and Wawa, and what are some of the untold & silenced stories of these two communities. Special thank you to Robin Marshall for welcoming us to her community.