How we do it:
Jamii is an Arts Organization that is transforming the lives of hundreds of people through memorable artistic experiences.
It is the people at Jamii (staff, board, artists, audience, participants, donors) and our partners, funders, and sponsors who do it all.
Without them, Jamii wouldn't be.
The story we tell
Jamii - About
Since 2011, Jamii (Swahili for "community") has enlivened The Esplanade – one of downtown Toronto’s most unique & diverse communities. Through the production of over 130+ memorable arts-based experiences that recognize and celebrate all people while nurturing female leadership, Jamii strengthens community and lifts spirits.
Behind the scene
The Board of Directors
Jamii is blessed to be supported, advised and guided by an amazing team of wonderful individuals who are deeply committed to Jamii’s mission and long-term sustainability. To each members of our Board of Directors, our heart is full of gratitude for your leadership. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Tremendous local support
The Community
If we do all what we do, it is thanks to an amazingly supportive community. Local groups, residential buildings, and the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association are all very supportive of our initiatives and never shy stepping in to help us out making magic in our streets.
Those who define Jamii
What would be the point of producing projects, events, workshops, if no one was to come and enjoy them? How we do the magic depends on who shows up at our events and workshops and who joins in to co-create with us. Audience and participants are the recipients of our work and without them, Jamii would be meaningless.
Isorine Marc
Founder & Alchemist
Isorine founded Jamii in 2011 and has since led the organization with passion, commitment, and endless creativity. As the Alchemist (Executive and Programming Director), she continues shaping Jamii's day-to-day operations and its long-term vision, with the support of the team, the Board, and all partners and contributors.
Financial support
Funders & Partners
Even though all our programming is free for participants and audiences, it takes a budget to bring programming to life.
We are extremely grateful for the support of our public and private funders, as well as our sponsors, local businesses and local partners.
Financial Support
The Donors
Jamii is a charitable organization (80387 3207 RR0001) and thus receives donations and provides receipts for tax purposes.
We are grateful for the individuals who are committed to make a difference and allow us to offer quality engagement for all.
Community Arts Award
In 2020, Jamii was the Recipient of the Community Arts Award by the Toronto Arts Foundation.
A milestone for Jamii. Since, Jamii has received other awards and is grateful of the recognition received for the work accomplished.
The people - the doers
The Jamii Team
Behind every event, exhibit, workshops, there is a team of skilled, dedicated, talented visionaries and producers, who believe that Jamii’s impact on the Esplanade community and beyond is worth all the energy, time and efforts we are pouring into our organization. We are grateful for how much people have contributed to making what Jamii is today.
One fantastic partner
Canadian Stage
In 2020, Jamii and Canadian Stage made a powerful commitment to one another and to the local community. They joined forces with the intention of growing capacity and leveraging resources, which is meant to increase the quality of the collective arts experience, forThe Esplanade community.
The Talents
The Artists
While we come up with ideas of projects, workshops and events we could produce, really, it is the artists we are collaborating with who are creating Jamii's identity and artistic success.
It is their music, their dance, their photos their films, their skills, their talents and their leadership that give us make what Jamii is and does.