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WAYO 3rd Annual Children's Festival

August 18 - 19 - 20, 2022

Berkeley Castle & Berkeley Theatre

Toronto's only children's parkour festival for the arts, Wayo, was an invitation to uncover a world of wonders for children and their families. Designed as a whimsical journey through the Berkeley Castle and Berkeley Theatre with arts happenings at every turn, this unique experience was filled up with music, dance, crafts, storytelling and more!

With Wayo, children and their families stepped into a magical arts experience while engaging in conversations around social, and environmental justice issues that impact our local and global communities. Wayo featured amazing artists including dancer Raoul Wilke, singer and musician Aline Morales, hoop dancer Valentina Morelli, storyteller Monique Diabo and many more!

"My daughter saw the time keeper dancing and told me she’s going to dance like that! She LOVED the drums - I almost couldn’t get her to move on. She wanted to heal the cracks in the water (which almost meant touch the water lol) and added that love will heal the water."
Audience Member

"Wayo is now the highlight of the summer for my daughter. She raves about it to her friends and teachers at daycare!"
Audience Member


Presented and Produced by Jamii

In Partnership with Canadian Stage and Berkeley Castle

Wayo’s Artistic Direction and Concept: Isorine Marc

Performing Artists: Aline Morales, Anna Noel (Artists’ Play), Linda Epp, Miss Coco Murray, Monique Diabo, Raoul Wilke, Ryan Stephenson (Artists’ Play), Sarah Abusarar, Tara Moneka, Valentina Morelli

Festival Guides: Barbara Johnston, Daniela Arango, Monica Garrido, Sofia Rodriguez, Trudylee Gayle

Jamii Production Team: Hadeal Karrar, Iris Unlu, Isorine Marc, Maysam Ghani, Nadifa Daud Mohamed, Yusra Yacout

Tech and Support Team: Akram Yacout, Jasenya Senethviely, Raecheal Goddard, Rajean Hoilett, Shaima Yacout

Special Thanks to Our Volunteers: Aéla Kuria, Francesca Sempira, Idman Hersi, Jumanah Al-Hazari, Maryam Al-Hazari, Ruthmarie Williams, Stella Du Soleil

Special Thanks: Market Gallery

Supported by

Photos by Jae Yang

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