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WIsdoM ripples

WIsdoM ripples
Winter 2021

Winter 2021

WIsdoM ripples

An exciting photo exhibit featuring 3 Toronto-based photographers, curated by 9 young women from The Esplanade community.

Exhibited at The Esplanade & Sherbourne David Crombie Park

This exhibit features the work of the three Toronto-based powerful photographers Roya DelSol, Brianna Roye, Zahrah Siddiqui, and is curated by 9 young women of The Esplanade community. Together, and as a way to leap into next year, photographers and curators explored Jamii’s 2022 season theme: WATER IS MEMORY.

Unveiled on November 2021

On display November 2021 to February 2022

Project Video by Noshin Hussain, mentored by Alejandra Higuera


Produced and presented by Jamii @jamiiesplanade

Featured photographers:

Roya DelSol

Brianna Roye

Zahra Siddiqui

Curated by our Laini youth: Lydia Embaye, Mira Ghabiel, Aela Kuria, Tenzin Paldon, Anhar Salem, Morgan Tortolo, Nada Yakot, Hanna Yusuf, Leena Yusuf

Curation process facilitated by: Gilian Mapp, Isorine Marc

Project Management: Jasmin Linton, Isorine Marc

Graphic design: Iris Unlu

Video documentation by: Noshin Hussain (student), mentored by Alejandra Higuera (videographer)

Supported by: RBC Foundation, Rama Gaming House, Government of Ontario’s Reconnect Festival & Event Program, Ontario Arts Council

Curation Process:

Our group of young women curated this exhibit and crafted its title and artistic statement. They were initially presented with 30 photos, 10 by each of the three photographers. Through a series of 8 workshops, under the artistic leadership of Gillian Mapp and Isorine Marc, they worked together to select 10 photos only.  Through the exchange of ideas, perspectives and opinions, they explore the “why” and "how" to present this exhibit to their community and to you. 

Artistic Statement by the 9 young women who curated this exhibit:

Water is memory. 

Water, like memory, has a rhythm; it ripples in water like time and music on a page.

A souvenir from a trip taken long ago. The scents from childhood. The familiar sound of laughter from your loved ones.

Memories from the past rushing in and out like waves, crashing and flowing like a storm of culture.

From the storm one experiences a sinking feeling that leads to the calmness and serenity; water represents an infinity of emotions.

Never knowing the depth of memories, their light, or how dark they can appear.

Bodies of water come in different forms. Bruce Lee once said: “Be formless, shapeless, like water. Put water into a cup, it becomes a cup”.

Project Video by Noshin Hussain, mentored by Alejandra Higuera

Supported by:

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