7 pm
Niche Artistic Practices
Rubber Carving
February 2024
February 20, 2024
Workshop Lead: Juliana Bandeira
Centered around the vibrant theme of Forró, this workshop aims to delve into block printing formats—such as the traditional Xilogravura, a technique used and widespread in Pernambuco, which originated in cordel literature—and tells the history of popular culture in this region of Brazil. To cap off the experience, participants will engage in rubber carving, empowering each individual to craft their unique matrix and produce prints. The overarching goal is to explore Forró-related themes, including music, musical instruments, and distinctive flora indigenous to Pernambuco, such as cacti and flowers. Through this artistic journey, attendees will not only gain hands-on printing skills but also connect with the rich cultural tapestry of the Northeastern Brazil region.
Photos by Ghader Bsmar
Juliana Bandeira
Juliana Bandeira is a Brazilian illustrator and graphic designer based in Toronto. In her work, she creates a playful and colourful atmosphere, working with shapes and textures.
Photo Credit: Unknown