Wednesday & Thursday
After School
A Jamii initiative to encourage girls and young women to explore art and leadership!
June & July 2021 - Ages: 11-13 yrs old
Led by Ayelen Liberona
A Rite of Passage, Connection & Collective Creation. "Becoming Garden" was a journey through art, music and imagination to explore our stories and why we tell them. A unique opportunity to dream with and learn from professional artists, earth workers, story weavers and mystery makers. Participants were invited to play, dig in, grow wings and dance with their shadow.
Becoming Club participants were also part of the creation and performance of the  "Becoming Garden: Cultivating Gratitude; Composting Grief; Harvesting the Mystery" - a performance that premiered on The Esplanade on July 15-17, 2021.
10 participants - 43 hours of workshops

Ayelen Liberona is a multifaceted dancer, filmmaker, culture maker and community weaver. She is the co-founder of The Wandering Eye, where she creates award winning films and site-specific experiences as powerful tools for transformation and social justice. She is also the co-founder/director of Becoming Praxis, an organization committed to developing Open Source Ritual Architectures and Pedagogies that re-story our relationship to land and to each other.
Photo Credit: Unknown